Dog Bed Duvet Covers
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Molly in Accessories, Crates, Blankets & Beds, dog bed duvet covers

Skanky dog beds are just a part of a canine owner's life. Dogs are furry, slobbery, and they can't exactly take off their shoes when they come indoors. So when a dog's living in a city, who knows what kind of crap he's tracking into your apartment on his little paws? After your dog takes a stroll down filthy Lexington Avenue or scrounges through squirrel poop in Central Park, he's going to come home and plop himself right into his bed. And there lies the most concentrated receptacle of filth in your otherwise pristine apartment. (Or at least you hope.)

That's why I think Molly Mutts' dog bed duvet covers are so genius. They're affordable, so you can buy an extra one much like you'd have an extra set of sheets for yourself. The key, here, is washing and changing the covers fairly regularly.

Plus, the designs are just plain cute. They come in round and rectangular shapes, so they fit over most other dog bed filler. And if not, you can just cram your old clothes, socks, sheets, etc. inside, and your dog will be none the wiser.

Molly Mutts duvet covers run from about $20.00 to $38.00. To see their product line, click here.

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