What Qualifies as Weird Dog Owner Behavior?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Molly in News, weird dog owner behavior

What you quickly realize as soon as you have a dog in the city is that there are “dog people”…and there are “bizarro dog people.” I know, I know. It’s unkind to label people “odd,” but sometimes there’s just no getting around it. With a dog, you often get stopped on the street by admirers who want to pet your animal, and they’re usually quite nice. Other times, though, they’re downright creepy. For instance, I once had a guy ask me (with a straight face, mind you) if I ever take showers with my dog. Seriously. Um, no sir, I do not.

So, I decided to create a "Weird Scale" based on what I’ve observed with dog owners themselves. A number 1 means your behavior is fair game; a 10 means you should probably be arrested. Get it?



What sort of strange interactions have you had with people on the street over your dog? Or, have you ever behaved in a way with your pet that had friends giving you strange looks?

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (http://www.redriley.com/).
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