Want to Drop Some Lbs? Partner Up With Your Dog.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Molly in Day Trips With Your Dog, News, exercising with your dog

It’s easier to be physically active and stick to an exercise schedule when you have a dog, says one Northwestern University scientist in the new issue of Forbes. According to Dr. Robert Kushner, dogs are “natural exercise machines” and they’re hugely motivating. How come? They don’t make lame excuses and they tend to be eager to go out at all times.

In the story, Kushner cited a previous study he’d conducted to find out if pets could help overweight people lose weight. It found that “people with dogs were slightly more active than those without dogs and that, after a year, they had lost an average of 11 pounds, or 4.7 percent of their body weight.”

Honestly, haven’t you ever felt stricken with guilt when your dog wants to go on a long walk and you’d rather sloth around and watch a movie OnDemand? 

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (http://www.redriley.com/).
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