Indestructible Dog Toys
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Molly in Cool Gifts, Indestructible dog toys, News, Toys

Every time I invest in a new dog toy or stuffed animal for Riley, it's the same story: Within minutes, it has been ripped to pieces; stuffing or plastic bits litter my apartment; and Riley looks just as bored as she did a few moments beforehand. I used to get a kick out of how fired up she'd get when I'd give her a new toy. Until, that is, I realized that just 5 minutes of pure joy for her was costing me $10-$15 a pop.

So, I went on a quest to find a toy she wouldn't be able to murder. I eventually found Tuffy Dog Toys, which are about as indestructible as a dog toy can get. They also come in hilarious shapes, sizes, and patterns.Tuffy's Polly PiggyTuffy's Mega Ring

Riley still has the Mega Ring, and it's the only toy in her arsenal that she hasn't mutilated. But not for lack of trying.

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (
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