The Dreaded Summer Cut
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Molly in Dog summer cuts, Grooming & Training

It’s hardly been hot in New York so far this summer, so it’s unlikely you’ve felt the need to strip your dog of his fur suit. But the weather people promise warmer temperatures are coming. (Hopefully, this’ll happen before September.)

Since Riley is a short-haired dog, I’ve never had to deal with the whole summer cut thing. But I’ve listened to several friends stress for days about the decision to get it done. While they know it’s helpful for their dog to stay cool, they admit that a shorn dog looks so…well, pathetic. If you’ve ever seen a freshly clipped canine, you’re familiar with the expression they wear post-shave. It’s a mix of the gross indignity of their situation coupled with an underlying rage. It almost seems they’d rather pant to death than give up their fuzz.

Another issue is that lots of groomers have the tendency to go all Edward Scissorhands on your dog, leaving him looking like a humiliated, naked sheep. So, you’ve got to find a groomer with some self-control.

My friend Ashley recently took her Goldendoodle, Izzie, to a new place called The Dog Store for her summer cut. She said the groomer, Rosie, did an amazing job, and Ashley was pleasantly surprised. If you’re looking for a place to get a summer cut for your dog, The Dog Store is located at 170 E. 61st St (between Lex and 3rd). 212-317-5987

If you have any funny pictures of your dog with a summer cut, please send them in!

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (
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