These Dog Travel Bowls = Genius
Friday, June 5, 2009
Molly in Accessories, Cool Gifts, Day Trips With Your Dog, Green Products, Traveling With Your Dog

I'm taking a few road trips with Riley this summer, so the other day I was looking around from some travel bowls to use when we're in the car, at the beach, or just staying with friends. I found these amazing bowls on eco-friendly dog boutique

There are so many cheesy dog products out there, and I love that these are unique. Even better: They cinch at the top for food and open if you just want to use for water. They're also collapsible, waterproof, and machine-washable. has lots of other cool stuff too—from beds to treats to gifts—and the best part is, the bulk of the products they carry are earth-friendly.

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (
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