A New Way to Clean Your Dog’s Paws
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Molly in Accessories, Grooming & Training, Paw cleaning product

Let’s be honest, walking your dog around the streets of New York can leave his paws covered in all kinds of grody stuff. I saw this Paw Plunger on the FetchDog site and thought it was genius.

How it works: You fill it with warm water (and a tiny bit dog shampoo if you think it’s necessary) and plunge each paw in, one at a time. The soft cleaning bristles inside the mug work off all the dirt. After rinsing, you simply dry off your dog’s feet with a towel. The PawPlunger is $34. For more information or to buy, click here.

Has anyone tried this? What do you think—cool, or overkill?

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (http://www.redriley.com/).
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