If you’re a dog owner in New York City, you know all too well the look of the steely-eyed stroller mom. Often clad in size 25 J Brand jeans, ballet flats, and wraparound sunglasses, they strut with the determination (and underlying rage, perhaps?) of a military drill sergeant. As far as they’re concerned, if you’re in their path you better well move your arse, or you’re fair game for steamrolling.
My dog has often experienced the wrath of the aggro NYC Stroller Mom. If Riley innocently stops to sniff a hydrant…WHAM! Here comes NYC Stroller Mom with a swift whack to Riley’s left hindquarter. (Stroller Mom is late for her mani/pedi, no doubt.)
On one occasion, I brought Riley with me into an UES Kinko’s (where they kindly welcome well-behaved dogs). There we were, patiently standing in line, when one particularly intense NYC Stroller Mom walked past us, purposefully running over Riley’s little paw. Riley squealed; Stroller Mom snorted with laughter. I wanted to punch her in the face. I’ll spare you the exchange that ensued…
Look, I get it, ladies. Babies are precious cargo. Nobody will dispute that. But my dog is pretty damn important too. I take issue with your rudeness. Just because you have kids doesn’t mean you’re entitled to a) take up an entire sidewalk, b) cop a ‘tude since your nanny called in sick today, or c) plow down innocent dogs. I’m sick of you all bringing me down. Dogs are entitled to just a little bit of sidewalk space too.
Has anyone else had this experience? Please, PLEASE write your comments. Am I alone in this?