Women Rank the Family Pet Higher Than Sex
Friday, August 28, 2009
Molly in News

According to USA Today, a new book that surveyed thousands of women found that women rank having a family pet as the thing that makes them most happy. For the book, Women Want More, authors surveyed 12,000 women in 40 countries, and…

Image via Nature's Corner MagazineI’m not even sure how to comment on this. I mean, I don’t judge, but I was sort of shocked that “shopping” ranked towards the top of this list as one thing in life that makes women EXTREMELY happy. But then, my own list would probably be fairly bizarre. Yes, of course Riley’s up there (she is, after all, perfection), but I’d probably throw some other things on there…like egg and cheese sandwiches, 30 Rock, tubing, Baskin Robbins peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, Jake Ryan…

What about you guys? Do you agree with the survey?

(For more information on the survey (conducted by BCG), click here.)

Article originally appeared on Red Riley (http://www.redriley.com/).
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