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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

Entries by Molly (159)


Service Dogs at Westminster

Dozens of service and therapy dogs are competing at next week's Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City, and today's New York Post had a story about one of them. Zorro, a 6-year-old Belgian Malinois, helps his owner/handler Sara Donadei-Blood by providing balance and an extra set of "hands."

Zorro (with Donadei-Blood) is both a show dog and personal aide. Credit: Bobby Martinez/NY Post

Donadei-Blood was born with a rare deformity that only allows her to bend 90 degrees, so Zorro helps her retrieve everything from her purse to her medication. According to the Post, "sometimes, when he's bored, he even brings her things she doesn't need." Annoying? Maybe. Adorable? Totally.

Belgian Malinois—which look quite similar to German Shepherds—are often used in police and homeland security work. To learn more about the breed, visit the American Kennel Club website here.

To read the full New York Post story, click here.


Renegade Beagles Take Long Island

Have you heard about the packs of beagles wreaking havoc on eastern Long Island? Beagles, who are often ditched by hunters when they don't track down enough rabbits, are apparently banding together in feral packs to survive, and they're freaking out residents in the process.

Sadly, this problem isn't new. According to some shelter workers in the area, they get up to 40 beagles surrendered each year. I don't know about you, but I find this wildly disturbing on so many levels. These animals wouldn't be desperate or remotely dangerous if they weren't abandoned in the first place. What kind of clown should even be allowed to hunt if he's not even willing to take care of his own dogs responsibly, or find them new homes if they're not working out?

To read a New York Post story about this issue, click here.

And if you're interested in adopting a beagle, think about contacting Kent Animal Shelter (or any others in eastern Long Island), or you can always search on one of my favorite sites,


Now Your Dog Can Tweet Too

Mattel has created a product called "Puppy Tweets" so that your dog can update his activities throughout the day. Think of it as a pseudo doggie cam. Meaning, you can gauge exactly what your animal is doing while you're at work. According to CNN Money, "Puppy Tweets is a plastic tag with a sound and motion sensor that you attach to your pet's dog collar and connect its USB receiver to your computer. Then you create a Twitter account for your dog and enjoy updates all day from Sparky or whatever its name is on your computer or smartphone."

The tag on your dog's collar is set with several pre-recorded Tweets. So, for example, if your dog is snoozing, he'll Tweet, "Some days it feels like my paw is permanently on the snooze button!" If he's barking, his Tweet will saying, "YAHOOO! Some days you just gotta get your bark on." No, I did not come up with these, and frankly, I'd say that Mattel could come up with something a little more clever...and slightly less cheesy. No word on what your dog will Tweet if he's chewing up your stilettos or pooping in your apartment.

Puppy Tweets will be available at retailers in the fall, and it will cost about $29.99.

Would you ever buy something like this, or do you think it's absurd? I think it's slightly ridiculous, but then, I think Riley's updates would basically only prove that she's a narcolept.


Great Discounts on Dog Beds

If your dog goes through beds as quickly—or you're just looking to save cash—take a look at The Uncommon Dog's website. They offer the best prices on name brand dog beds, and discounts are often around 20 percent off. (Think of it like Marshall's or TJ Maxx.) They offer beds from some of my favorite brands, specifically eco-friendly companies like Bowsers and Harry Barker. You can even narrow your search by print, size, fabric, shape, features, or price. Another bonus? They give 10 percent of their annual net profits to the ASPCA.

To check out dog beds at discounted prices at Uncommon Dog, click here.


Donating to Help Animals in Haiti

One of my favorite organizations, Best Friends Animal Society, is part of the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH). This means that they're working to provide food, water, rabies vaccinations, safety and more for animals in the aftermath of the earthquake. They have already donated $25,000 to the cause and are working to raise more funds.

According to Best Friends, "ARCH will identify options for a wide-ranging, long-term plan that includes options for veterinary care, a large-scale vaccination program and services for animal population control."

To read more about their initiative, click here.

To donate, click here.