Do You Know What "Coprophagia" Is?

Yeah, I didn’t know what it meant either. Curious? Well, “coprophagia” (or “coprophilia”) is a term for when dogs eat poop. Yep, it’s just plain nasty. And apparently, it’s fairly common. Eew.
Image via Maniac World
According to various online sources, coprophagia can be an indication of a variety of different things, such as a) your dog is malnourished and/or has a Vitamin B or enzyme deficiency, b) your pet has a larger health issue such as diabetes or a tapeworm, or c) you have a dog who has some behavioral issues or is just plain bored. (Puppies, some experts say, sometimes eat feces out of curiosity.)
Various websites suggest other reasons for this behavior, but either way, it’s probably best to check in with your vet regarding possible causes and treatment. In the meantime, if your dog has a fecal fetish, it may be a good idea to keep the face-kisses to a minimum.
Have you had this issue with your dog? What did you do?