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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

Entries by Molly (159)


If You're Looking for a New Collar...

The other day, my friend Jesse mentioned that whenever he needs a gift for a friend who happens to have a dog, he goes to Trixie & Peanut in Gramercy. I've never been, but I of course went to their website when I got home. I was floored at how many amazing collars and leads they had—including everything from preppy whales and crabs to unique kaftan prints. I included a couple below so you could take a look. (I was also randomly reading this month's O Magazine and noticed they featured Trixie & Peanut's rhinestone collars on p. 58. Total coincidence on my end, but clearly other people have noticed this place too.)

I always like to have an extra one in my cabinet because Riley has the tendency to chew up the plastic clasps whenever I leave my apartment and have absentmindedly left her collar within her reach. It's like she's pissed I've left her behind and she's going to make sure I never ditch her again.


Which Plants are Dog-Safe?

I admit it, I love the New York Post. I get it at home and cannot live without Page 6. Call me shallow. But another column that I'm obsessed with is Julia Szabo's "Pets" page. In the May 3, 2009, edition of the Post, Julia wrote about potentially dangerous plants for your pet—"Flowers for Fido: Pup-Approved Bouquets Make for a Safe, Stylish Home." In the article, Julia discusses floral stylist Cristy Ruiz's advice for avoiding toxic plant species in your home. Or, if you're like me, your undesirably small apartment.

Michael Sofronski/New York Post

Did you know that posies, aloe, amaryllis, holly, calla lilies, and other plants can be poisonous to your dog? Again, I had no idea. You can find a full list on the ASPCA's site here.


Leashes That Aren't Lame

I've found some of the most adorable leashes by randomly walking into pet boutiques around New York City. Two of my favorite stores are Zoomies and Canine Styles. No, I'm not the type of person who dresses up her dog in cutesy clothes (and I'm working on not judging those who do), but I can definitely appreciate what's arguably attractive versus what's just...blah. Below are a few leashes I love:Leash from ZoomiesLeashes from Canine Styles


Dog Blood Donors

On this week's Bonnie Hunt Show, there was a segment on dog blood donors. Who knew you could even do that? Um, not me. So I decided to look into it further...Turns out, dogs have a variety of blood types like people do, and 40-45 percent of dogs have the universal donor type. Typical donors are dogs between the ages of one and seven years old and are approximately 50 lbs or more.

Has your dog ever donated blood? If so, will you email me and tell me your story? I'd love to know more about it!


These Dog Travel Bowls = Genius

I'm taking a few road trips with Riley this summer, so the other day I was looking around from some travel bowls to use when we're in the car, at the beach, or just staying with friends. I found these amazing bowls on eco-friendly dog boutique

There are so many cheesy dog products out there, and I love that these are unique. Even better: They cinch at the top for food and open if you just want to use for water. They're also collapsible, waterproof, and machine-washable. has lots of other cool stuff too—from beds to treats to gifts—and the best part is, the bulk of the products they carry are earth-friendly.