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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

Entries from January 1, 2010 - January 31, 2010


Does Your Dog Hate Having His Teeth Cleaned?

Yeah, mine too. I realize it's a necessity, though, especially since according to the American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS), 80 percent of dogs exhibit oral disease by age three, and it is one of most commonly treated health problems in small animal clinics. Bacteria buildup in a dog's mouth can also be at the root of other, larger problems, such as diseases of the heart, kidneys, and liver. Still, my dog clearly doesn't grasp all of these risks, because the last time I tried to clean her teeth, she dramatically gagged, dribbled the paste all over my carpet, and then hid under the bed.

So, since my attempts at cleaning her teeth weren't exactly going well, I was looking for an option to help supplement them. (I know there's the whole professional-cleaning-by- your-veterinarian option, but I'm putting that off until I'm told it's necessary, rightly or not.) My vet suggested dental chews to help clean her teeth between brushing sessions. I highlighted a few below in the hopes that it may be helpful to you. Obviously, I'd discuss with your vet prior to using. 

CET Oral Hygiene Chews
My own vet recommended these, and Riley loves them. According to the site, these "great tasting" chews "feature an exclusive dual enzyme system: a natural antiseptic plus an abrasive texture coupled with chewing fights plaque and tartar buildup."

Bluechews by Vetradent
Apparently, these are "wildly palatable canine dental health bars," which are "clinically-proven to reduce tartar by 61% and plaque by 22%. Bluechews have been awarded the coveted Veterinary Oral Health Council seal of approval for both plaque and tartar control."

Ark Naturals Breath-Less Brushless Toothpaste
Only Natural Pet Store
Despite the name, these are chews, not actual toothpaste. According to the company, these chews have "real toothpaste" on the inside. These chews have ridges that "are proven effective for teeth scrubbing"; they're highly digestible; they are wheat, corn, and soy free; and they are made with human grade ingredients.


New Dog Cancer Drug is Approved

The USDA has approved a new canine melanoma vaccine, Oncept, designed to extend the lives of dogs with oral melanoma. One of my dogs growing up ultimately died from oral melanoma, so I can appreciate as much as anyone the importance of this type of development.

According to the company's press release: "Melanoma is a common type of cancer in dogs and is the most common malignant tumor of the dog's mouth and can also occur in the nail and footpad. Canine oral melanoma may affect any breed and is a highly aggressive cancer. Normal treatment for canine oral melanoma includes surgery and/or radiation, but even after successful local treatment, the melanoma frequently spreads throughout the body, including the lymph nodes, liver, lungs and kidneys, and is often resistant to chemotherapy."

Since I'm not veterinarian and don't want to misstate anything, I'll continue to quote directly from the company release: "ONCEPT(TM) significantly extends survival time following primary tumor removal. Dogs with stage II or III malignant melanoma typically have survival times of less than six months when treated with surgery alone. In a controlled study, dogs vaccinated with ONCEPT(TM) following surgery had significantly better survival times than unvaccinated dogs (p<0.0001). Median survival time could not be determined for vaccinated dogs, since more than 50% of the treated dogs were still surviving at the time of publication of the study."

Exciting news, right? To read more about Oncept, read the release on CNNMoney here.


15 California Chihuahuas Arrive in NYC

On Wednesday, Virgin Airlines flew 15 Chihuahuas to New York City from San Francisco Animal Care and Control in search of new homes. According to the ASPCA, " over the past year, California shelters have seen a dramatic increase in Chihuahua intakes—this toy breed now makes up more than 30% of the state’s shelter dog population. While demand for Chihuahuas has declined in much of the Golden State, their popularity in New York City is as high as ever."

I was so impressed with this entire initiative and all of the people involved. Take a look at the ASPCA's video below.

If you'd like to adopt one of these guys, the dogs will be available for viewing at the ASPCA Adoption Center on Wednesday, January 13, between Noon and 7:00 P.M. Says the ASPCA: "Adoption fees will range from $75 to $200, and include all medical and behavioral treatments, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery and a microchip."

For additional information, please visit or call the Operation Chihuahua” hotline at (212) 876-7700, ext. 3210.


An Indoor "Doggie Restroom"

Have you guys heard of the Potty Patch? I got this via email the other day, and I couldn't stop laughing at the infomercial. It's a soft grass mat billed as "an indoor doggie restroom." How it works is, your dog pees on the antimicrobial faux grass, and the urine drains into a tray two layers below that you have to wash out when you get home.

I'm not a huge fan of these for two reasons: 1) you're reinforcing your pet to pee in your living space (which is going to confuse him at some point), and 2) people get lazy and never take their dogs out for exercise when they have things like this out all the time. Still, I realize that it is a good solution for many, and saves dogs from having to "hold it" for a super long time in certain cases. Plus, it's sponsored by the AKC, so it can't be that bad. You can find them here for $39.99.

What do you guys think? Would you ever try one?


Stars and Their Dogs

On New Year's Day, the New York Daily News created a slideshow of celebrities and their animals. To be honest, I hadn't a clue that half the celebs they included even own dogs. Some noteworthy findings: Christina Ricci's dog is basically bigger than she is (shocker); Ashley Tisdale apparently dyes her hair to match her pooch; home wrecker Sienna Miller's dog, Bess, is darling; Dog the Bounty Hunter apparently owns a Boston Terrier (who knew?); and Matthew McConaughey's dogs look like they're sick and freakin' tired of jogging after him on the beach.

Check it the slideshow here.

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