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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

Entries from June 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009


A New Dog Name Poll

According to a new Associated Press-Petside poll, more than half (51 percent) of American dog owners now give their pets “human” names.

Apparently, in recent years, people have moved away from traditional dog names like Bingo, Sparky, and Spot in favor of names such as Max, Bob, George, Shirley, and Joyce. (I actually sort of made that up. Max ranks the highest, but the study didn’t indicate what the other human names were. Shoddy poll work, no doubt.)

I once knew a dog named “Dog.” Also knew a “Cujo”—poor thing was clearly owned by a family with a creepy sense of humor. I’m still shocked when I meet people who have dogs with names like “Muffin” and “Snowflake.” It just seems mean. But that is neither here nor there…

A Veterinary Pet Insurance poll conducted in January found that the top dog names of 2008 were as follows:

1. Max

2. Bailey

3. Bella

4. Molly

5. Lucy

6. Buddy

7. Maggie

8. Daisy

9. Sophie

10. Chloe

A few other tidbits from the AP-Petside poll, in case you’re curious:

  • 19 percent of pet owners have bought an outfit for their pet.
  • 43 percent of pet owners feel their pet has his or her own sense of style (whatever that means).
  • 27 percent celebrate their pet’s birthday.
  • 35 percent have included their pet in a family portrait.

Thoughts? What are the best and worst pet names you’ve heard?


A Pet Treadmill?

I recently saw this dog treadmill by PetZen, and I just had to post the photo. OMFJesus.

According to the site: “A dog exercise treadmill can give a dog a great workout regardless of weather or environment, allowing owners to maintain a consistent exercise regimen. Dog treadmills provide increased muscle definition, toning, improves vitality, increases life span and can help curb destructive behavior or excess energy often associated with the lack of regular exercise.”

I laughed when I read the company’s tag line: “Elevate your pet connection.” I’m pretty sure my dog would not be psyched to be forced onto a treadmill to run a quick 10K. In fact, I think she’d be terrified. I mean, I get it. I’m all for exercising your pet and walking as many miles a day as possible with them. But shouldn’t dogs get to see the outside world—you know, sniff a tree, pee on a hydrant, and chase a squirrel or two?


The Dreaded Summer Cut

It’s hardly been hot in New York so far this summer, so it’s unlikely you’ve felt the need to strip your dog of his fur suit. But the weather people promise warmer temperatures are coming. (Hopefully, this’ll happen before September.)

Since Riley is a short-haired dog, I’ve never had to deal with the whole summer cut thing. But I’ve listened to several friends stress for days about the decision to get it done. While they know it’s helpful for their dog to stay cool, they admit that a shorn dog looks so…well, pathetic. If you’ve ever seen a freshly clipped canine, you’re familiar with the expression they wear post-shave. It’s a mix of the gross indignity of their situation coupled with an underlying rage. It almost seems they’d rather pant to death than give up their fuzz.

Another issue is that lots of groomers have the tendency to go all Edward Scissorhands on your dog, leaving him looking like a humiliated, naked sheep. So, you’ve got to find a groomer with some self-control.

My friend Ashley recently took her Goldendoodle, Izzie, to a new place called The Dog Store for her summer cut. She said the groomer, Rosie, did an amazing job, and Ashley was pleasantly surprised. If you’re looking for a place to get a summer cut for your dog, The Dog Store is located at 170 E. 61st St (between Lex and 3rd). 212-317-5987

If you have any funny pictures of your dog with a summer cut, please send them in!


Getting Your Dog DNA Tested

If you’re not sure of your dog’s breed and are interested in finding out more, there are lots of dog DNA tests out there today. Here’s how most work: You purchase a dog DNA kit online or at your veterinary office, take two cheek swabs from your pet’s mouth, send in the swabs and a small information form in a prepaid mailer, and within a few weeks you receive a certificate of breed analysis. The cost is approximately $80-$120.

Some testing options include:

BioPet Vet Lab
The Canine Heritage XL Breed Test
The Dog Breed DNA Test
The Wisdom Panel™ MX Mixed-Breed Dog DNA Test

There are, however, a few limitations. Only certain breeds are identifiable at this point (more are to come), and you will only be told a general percentage of a match (for example, the service may determine that about 20-40% of your dog’s DNA matches a certain breed or 40-70% matches another breed).

When I got Riley tested with the BioPet Vet Lab test, I was told she was part Saluki, Poodle, German Shepherd, Border Collie, and Great Dane. These were all pretty low matches (about 20-40 percent or so of those breeds matched with Riley’s DNA), but if you look at her picture on the “About” page, you’ll realize it sounds pretty ludicrous. Either way, I felt it was worth finding out a little more information about her.

Have you DNA tested your dog? What was your experience?


Dog Carriers That Don’t Suck

“Can’t you just put her in one of those carriers under the airplane seat?” my dad asks me, wondering why I’ve chosen to drive my dog 800 miles rather than fly home with her. “No, Dad, 35-lb dogs don’t exactly fit in a little bag, and it’s logistically impossible for one to be stowed under an airplane seat,” I explain. Again.

Admittedly, around the 10th hour of my recent New York to Chicago road trip, I became pretty envious of anyone who can bring their dog with them as a carry-on. But what’s with some pet owners carrying around their little yorkies and maltese in a tacky Juicy Couture dog satchel or a Reebok gym bag circa the mid-90s? If you must cram your dog into a bag, why not make it one that’s actually aesthetically appealing and roomy? I saw some cute ones at Wagwear and Bowhaus NYC.

Wagwear Boat Canvas CarrierBowhaus Toile Carrier