You may have already heard of her by now, but an 11-year-old Virginia girl named Monica Plumb has made it her mission to raise money to buy pet rescue mask kits for every fire station. According to her site,, Monica came up with the idea when she saw a news story where a pet mask was used to save a family's pet after a fire. Amazing, right? She was even named the ASPCA's 2009 Kid of the Year.

Says Monica: "Each pet oxygen mask kit costs $55 and includes three sizes: small, medium and large. One set can help revive dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, even birds. We are also purchasing padded emergency equipment cases for $15 to store the masks if the department does not already have something to store them in. That makes a complete kit $70 plus shipping, which I also pay for. There is no expense whatsoever to the department receiving the mask kits."
To donate to the cause, click here.