If you're like me, you're always looking for the appropriate place to store your dog's leash. I know, doesn't seem like a huge issue, but it can at times feel like a "where did I put my keys?" type of scenario. When I tried to put Riley's leash in a cute, vintage-y bucket near my door, she dug it out when I left the apartment and chewed all the plastic clasps off of her collar, rendering it useless. I resorted to leaving her leash on the counter, which is clearly not the most sanitary option.

One company, Pets Unleashed, makes wrought iron leash holders for your pet. You can put it in your foyer, mudroom, whatever. Not only will you not misplace his leash again, but it'll be out of reach so your pet won't be able to chew it up when you leave him unattended.
Pricing depends largely on how many letters are in your pet's name. For example, it's $54.99 if your dog's name has three letters, $64.99 if his name has seven letters, etc. For more information, go to their site: http://www.petsunleashed.ca/index.html
So cute, right?