Get Yourself a Pee-Finder

Suspect your dog is freely emptying his bladder in the house when you’re not home? (Sneaky little punk.) Well, now you can get all David Caruso/CSI with a Urine-Off LED Urine Finder. Yes, this actually exists. When you flash the UV blacklight over carpets, it illuminates urine spots so you don’t have to wonder where that skanky smell is coming from. (Of course, you could also just bust out the blacklight you used for your Grateful Dead and Bob Marley posters in college.)The Urine-Off Urine Finder
My favorite part of the product website reads: “Focused beam reaches 5ft-6ft, so no more getting on your knees to search for urine.” Ah yes, I set aside at least 10 minutes a day to get on my knees to search for urine, obvi.
If you’re interested in getting yourself a Urine-Off LED light, the product is $12.95, and you can find it here.
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