Dogs as Workout Companions

Ok, this just may get the award for “Most Obvious Study Ever.” Researchers at Cornell University are conducting a study to determine whether walking the dog helps owners lose and keep off extra lbs, USA Today reports. “An early look at the data shows that the dogs who walk the most steps have a better body condition score,” one study author says. This seems to warrant an NYC Prep-calibre “Duh,” no? (Cue corresponding eye roll.)
Photo credit: Julia Schmalz/USA Today
I mean, I get it. The study is ultimately trying to encourage people—and their dogs—to exercise more. Still, shouldn’t it already be clear that the whole “eat less; move more” phenomenon holds true with not just people, but with dogs as well?
One point that does seem valid, though, is made by researcher Barbour Warren. "Dog walking offers two of the key elements for regular physical activity, purpose and companionship,” he says. “Dogs can provide both of these in spades." You can’t argue with that. Riley can guilt me into putting on my running shoes with just one look at the door. And when I’m too tired to walk another mile, she just drags me anyway. Better than any trainer I’ve ever had.
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