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Oliver and Maggie

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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

Entries by Molly (159)


Riley Needs New Friends

Our "Meet New Friends" section has fallen by the wayside in recent weeks, so we'd love it if you'd send in photos of your dogs for us to post on the homepage and community page. And feel free to share information from the site with your friends!

If you have photos of your pets to share, or you'd like to ask a question to be answered in a future post, please email us at

Have a great weekend!


Designer Dog Beds

My friend Ashley recently told me about a cool site for dog beds that I hadn't heard about. It's called PawDigs, and while some of their beds are a little pricey, they're definitely worth it.

Beds by Madison Avenue Mutts

They carry a variety of beds from two of my favorite companies—Harry Barker and Madison Avenue Mutts. You can choose beds by size, and they even carry orthopedic pads, mats for crates or traveling, and variety of eco-friendly designs.

Here's their site if you want to take a look!



Going on Now: New York Week for Animals

Did you have any idea that the first ever New York Week for Animals is going on right now? Probably not. I sure didn't. There are all sorts of cool events going on in the city and surrounding areas this week. Check out their site and get more information here:

They also have a monthly magazine:


Find Pet-Friendly Apartments!

Looking for apartments that accept dogs, especially in New York City, can be a serious pain in the ass. Many buildings simply don't accept them, and sorting through various options can take a whole lot of unnecessary time. But one site, My Apartment Map, makes it way easier. Seriously, the site is genius.

Image via

How it works is, you just go to, type in the zip code you want to live in, and select which type of animal you have. In seconds, they list all the pet-friendly apartments in your area. Cool, right?

What I love about this site is that they also promote pet adoption. So, if you're even thinking of adopting a dog in the future, this site can save you a ton of grief in the long run.

When I moved into my building, I had to assure the leasing company that my dog weighed less than 30 lbs. I told them "yes." Meanwhile, Riley weighs 34 lbs. But so you don't have to be a liar like me (and live with the guilt), check out this site first.


More Dog Costume Inspiration

Let's be honest, dogs in absurd costumes never get old. Here, a couple of videos to help you in your planning.