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Sean Casey Animal Rescue Adoption Event
Sean Casey Animal Rescue will host an adoption van at Willie's Dawgs from 12-5pm on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies will be available for adoption. Willie's Dawg's is located at 351 5th Ave in Park Slope. For more info, contact Charles Henderson at 718-436-5163, or click here.

Entries by Molly (159)


Pet Rescue Masks

You may have already heard of her by now, but an 11-year-old Virginia girl named Monica Plumb has made it her mission to raise money to buy pet rescue mask kits for every fire station. According to her site,, Monica came up with the idea when she saw a news story where a pet mask was used to save a family's pet after a fire. Amazing, right? She was even named the ASPCA's 2009 Kid of the Year.

Says Monica: "Each pet oxygen mask kit costs $55 and includes three sizes: small, medium and large. One set can help revive dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, even birds. We are also purchasing padded emergency equipment cases for $15 to store the masks if the department does not already have something to store them in. That makes a complete kit $70 plus shipping, which I also pay for. There is no expense whatsoever to the department receiving the mask kits."

To donate to the cause, click here


Call for Halloween Photos!

What did your dog dress up as for Halloween? (Or, more like, what humiliating outfit did you dress him in?) Riley, as you can see, went as a bat. Sadly, the Pepto-pink hippopotamus getup didn't come in her size.

Please send your dog-in-costume photos from over the weekend for us to post! Just send an email and description to


Stink-Proof Collars

I was reading my Daily Puppy update this morning and today they featured Stunt Puppy, a company that makes hardcore gear for hunting dogs. They have a variety of leashes, collars, and dog accessories, but one of the coolest things they make is an odor proof "Dry Collar."

I'm guessing that if you're an urban dog owner, you're not taking your dog out duck hunting every weekend. Still, your pet isn't immune to having a funky collar once it gets wet or slobbered on a few times. I can't tell you how many times I've reached down to pet someone's dog and then been grossed out at the smell of the dog's fur, and especially, the stench coming off his collar. Nobody wants to pet a dog with a collar that smells like old gym clothes.

Stunt Puppy's Dry Collar is made of BioThane, "a virtually indestructible" material that's lightweight and stays flexible in cold temperatures. They come in four solid colors: black, orange, green, and pink. Even better, they're very affordable at just $21. To buy, check out their website here.


WebMD's New Pet Site

One of the best resources on the Web now has a pet site, WebMD Pets, and it's pretty amazing.

I checked out the site today, and it has a ton of useful information, including stories such as:

  • "Training Tips for Big and Little Dogs"
  • "Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog"
  • "The Controversy Over Pet Examinations"
  • "Dogs and Flu: What You Need to Know"
  • "Best Breeds for Your Lifestyle"
  • "6 Signs of Illness in Your Dog or Cat"

There is so much there, you really just need to check it out for yourselves. You can watch instructional videos, take quizzes, and even ask a veterinarian your questions.


Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?

Growing up, my parents' dogs were forever gnawing at our jack-o-lanterns, which would send my siblings and me into a full-on meltdown. I'm not sure if my parents ever looked into it (although I hope so), but I got to wondering whether pumpkin is actually safe for dogs to eat. Turns out, it is! In fact, you can even add canned pumpkin (the unspiced kind) to your dog's food to help with digestion "issues."

Image via

I'd suggest talking to your vet first just to be sure about what and how much, exactly, you'd be feeding your pet. And be warned, too much pumpkin can cause diarrhea in dogs. (Eew.)

Below are a few stories (and recipes) on the subject, in case you're interested in reading:


Happy Doggie Blog 

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